- Communities
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- Communities
- About
The goal of the COVID Story Project is to collect stories from everyday people that show the diversity of human experience during COVID-19. This digital archive of first-hand stories can then live on for generations to come. We believe that anyone can tell a story so there's no experience needed to tell or record a story!
How It Works
Sign Up, Record, Submit
1Sign Up
Click the Tell Your Story button, and then enter an email address and password to create your account.
Click the Record button and tell your story! Or record a voice memo and send it to covid@memria.org.
Click the Submit button, and you're done!
- Record Your Story
Check Out these Other Storytelling Projects
The COVID Memorial is a place to share remembrances of loved ones lost to the coronavirus pandemic, and to encourage public health measures that can prevent more deaths in the future.A platform for health workers in regions facing armed conflict or violence to tell their stories in their own words and voices directly to a global audience.
Covid Youth Project creates a space for high schoolers to share their experiences as they go through this pandemic. Every story adds to a collective understanding of us teens with diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and perspectives.
In This Together is a community-based initiative to collect digital records that document personal experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History has formed a Rapid Response Collecting Task Force to address the COVID-19 pandemic. This task force will also collect objects for the museum's gallery.
The COVID-19 Oral History Project is inspired by the “Rapid Response Collecting” approach that has been used in the public history and museum context for decades–primarily as a way to collect the stories, material culture, digital creations, and ephemera of historical events.
Indiana Historical Society's goal is to add your stories from Indiana residents on how they and their families are understanding and experiencing the current “new normal.”
The Pembroke Center Archivists are looking for members of Brown's extended community to volunteer a brief oral history via video chat about their experiences.
ForeverMissed.com is a place where people could create an online memorial to collect and share memories of the people they have lost.
Arkansas Folk and Traditional Arts is actively collecting oral histories about this challenging period of global and American history.
The Heinz History Center is collecting materials that document the response of our community to the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
Over the past five years, Thaler Pekar & Partners has gathered over 225 oral histories across six countries and four continents. We are hailed for our ability to guide visionaries and institutions in finding stories that capture the past, describe the present, and imagine the future.
INCITE is conducting video interviews with NY narrators. The voices from these interviews will be enriched by written diaries chronicling daily life during the pandemic and survey data tracking the demography of our participants and their social lives.
The St. Joseph Public Library is gathering personal accounts and experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic through audio recordings with a set of prompts available to use for storytelling guidance.
Arizona State University seeks stories that describe the pandemic and speaks to paradoxes of the moment. Their goal is to imagine what historians might need to write about and understand this historical moment.
Atlanta History Center is collecting materials that illustrate how people are experiencing and responding to the COVID-19 crisis. Atlanta History Center seeks to document and preserve your experiences through digital video, audio, photography, and typed stories or personal reflections.
The Library of Michigan and Historical Society of Michigan are collecting and preserving COVID stories. The goal is to preserve the stories of daily lives during the crisis and to provide future historians, researchers, and students with information and data on life in Michigan communities during the Pandemic.
The California Historical Society is creating a collection to document life in California during the current COVID-19 pandemic. They are seeking stories from the far north of the state, to the Bay Area, to the Central Valley and coastal communities, to desert areas, Southern California, and the border region.
The Illinois State Museum is looking for things that speak to your life and your community during the COVID-19 pandemic.
An archival history project of what Neumann University and their students did and what it was like to live during a global pandemic.
The Wisconsin Historical Society is asking individuals to keep a 30, 60, or 90-day journal in whatever format works best for them.
The Ball State University Libraries Archives and Special Collections (in collaboration with the Everyday Life in Middletown project, and the Muncie Public Library) invites Indiana residents to keep a diary of living during the COVID-19 epidemic in Indiana.
The Museum has dedicated two phone lines, one with English instructions and one with Spanish instructions, for calling in these stories, which can be up to five minutes in length. These oral histories will be left as voicemails, which the Museum will later download, catalog, and archive.
StoryCorps’ mission is to preserve and share humanity’s stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world. We do this to remind one another of our shared humanity, to strengthen and build the connections between people, to teach the value of listening, and to weave into the fabric of our culture the understanding that everyone’s story matters.
Fostering an appreciation of storytelling as an oral tradition, performing art, and educational tool. We are a membership-based non-profit organization that supports storytellers and story listeners of all ages as well as storytelling guilds and organizations while bringing storytelling to this community, area, state, and region through our opportunities for storytelling performances, educational workshops, storytelling events, our annual Texas Storytelling Festival, and our bi-annual Tejas Storytelling Conference.
Sponsored by the Keene Valley Library, Adirondack Community is a multi-year local history project that collects and organizes audio stories and related photographs from Town of Keene community members through this online platform to share our rich social and cultural history in New York State’s Adirondack Mountains.
- Unique Stories Shared from Across the USMiss seeing others at work and school? On your commute or at the store? Listen to the everyday stories of people across the country and how their lives have been changed, or not, by the pandemic.
Read More About CSP
Who created CSP?
Covid Story Project is an initiative of memria.org. Memria.org was founded in 2017 as a way to help organizations collect, curate, and share stories told in the first-person. We work all over the world on projects that range from truth-telling in post-conflict Colombia (VivaVoz) to collecting stories about a small community in upstate New York (MyAdirondackStory). In general, we seek nonprofessional storytellers who narrate their own experiences, recollections, or observations in short audio recordings in response to questions. We also use these tools to help collect feedback in audio formats.
What's the vetting process for stories?
This project is a labor of love. We do not intend to make any money, although we accept donations (click here to donate) to help cover the basic costs of the project. When a story is submitted, the project managers will listen to it first before deciding whether to publish it. We have full discretion over whether and when to publish or not publish stories based on any criteria we deem relevant to the success of this project. Most stories will be published, edited, and/or shared on this website and various social media outlets. Please do not include private, confidential, or sensitive information in your story, and try to avoid using names that would identify another person. Children under 13 are not allowed to submit stories. We will reject vulgar, obscene, or offensive materials. We do not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, or any other forms of threatening, discriminatory, or hate speech.
© 2020